Top 4 Best Cam For M8 114 Review in 2024

So, if you had been looking for cams for your Harley Davidson M8 114 because your old one was not exactly giving you the type of performance you had been looking for. you needed something more robust and durable. But you wasn’t sure what else would be great for my M8 114.

So I ended up checking out several camshafts to find the best cam for the M8 114. While there are many camshafts for M8 114, it is necessary to be picky to choose one because the performance of the bike relies on it. Besides, if you are investing in an upgrade, it should be worth it.

Anyway, my research led me to pick 4 such high-performing and reliable cams that are the game-changers. In this article, you will find my reviews on all of them. I have also added a buying guide and other information to help you find and pick cams on your own.

Top Rated Camshaft Comparison Table

In case you don’t have enough time in hand, here is a comparison table that will help you get a general idea regarding the cams.

The comparison table does not really explain much about the cams. So if you want to know about them in detail, I urge you to check my following reviews.

Top 4 Best Cam For M8 114 Review

1. S&S Cycle Gear Drive Camshaft Kit 550G

Best Cams For M8 114
S&S Cam / Image by Randy S. Russo

Looking for the best-performing camshaft for your Harley Davidson M8 to gain more horsepower? Well, I found the S&S Cycle Gear 550G to be the right and first ultimate choice for the bike. It is powerful, reliable, and performs extremely well, making it the best torque cam for M8 114, which makes up for its high price.

Features and Benefits:

  • More Horsepower: The S&S Cycle Gear Drive 550G is designed to be compatible with M8 114 to ensure better horsepower. It works for larger engines than the M8 114. That means this camshaft is built for increased horsepower.
  • Better Torque: This cam produces a torque of 128.65 (at 4100 RPM), which is very impressive. However, I tried pushing my luck, and guess what? It certainly helped me get more torque and showed an excellent lifting capacity.
  • Gear Drive Cam: For more reliable performance, the S&S Cycle Gear Drive 550G kit includes a gear drive cam. The perk of having it is that it replaces the requirement for a tensioner and drive chain. It also helps increase the bike’s drive chain’s lifespan.
  • Precise Valve Timing: Another advantage that you will get from the gear drive chain is that it offers a more precise valve timing. Usually, the chain stretches, delaying the valve timing. That will not be an issue with this camshaft installed.
  • Cam Plates And Bearings: The kit includes robust cam plates and bearings. They enable the camshaft to handle more stress and I did feel like it made the engine’s performance smoother.
  • USA-made camshaft, which makes it a reliable brand
  • Better and more powerful performance
  • Increase’s bike chain’s durability
  • Reduces fast wear and tear
  • Replaces the use of chain
  • Expensive cam
  • Requires professional installation
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Why We Pick This Product

S&S is a reliable brand when it comes to camshafts. It would replace the traditional drive-chain which slows down the kickstart of M8 114. On top of that, you get better horsepower and torque than many other camshafts. In my opinion, it can easily claim the spot for the best cam for M8 114.

2. S&S Cycle 310-1014A Gear Drive 475G Cam

Best Cams For M8 114
Image by Josh Marks

The S&S Cycle 475G Cam is yet another popular choice of Harley Davidson M8 riders from the brand. It is just as powerful as the previous cam I reviewed and very reliable. However, it is more expensive than the other one, making it a less popular choice among budget riders.

Features and Benefits:

  • Quality Fit And Finish: S&S manufactures each part carefully to ensure an accurate fit. On top of that, the cam is precision-machined from billet aluminum and has a blue anodized finish for better performance and durability.
  • Convenient: The passage plugs that come with the cam are removable. This feature comes in handy when you take the vehicle or the engine for servicing.
  • Better Horsepower And Torque: When it comes to increasing horsepower, the S&S Cycle 475G cam is just as good as the S&S Cycle Gear Drive 550G. It also produces a peak torque of 109.95 (at 3000 RPM). So you can expect better and smoother engine performance.
  • Better Overall Performance: this S&S 475G also happens to be the best-sounding cam for M8 114 because of its performance. It has stronger tappets, better oil pumps, and adjustable pushrods. Besides, its gear design replaces the traditional chain. So purchasing it saved me from a lot of extra hassle.
  • Cost: The main drawback of this camshaft is its price. It is quite expensive compared to others. And I have found similar options at a lower price in the market. However, if anyone wants to pick something from a reliable brand, I suggest they go for this one.
  • Gear drive system replaces traditional chain system
  • Offers better horsepower and torque capacity
  • Removable parts make usage more convenient
  • Suitable for high-performing vehicles
  • Reliable brand
  • Very expensive
  • An aggressive lobe can cause wear and tear easily
  • Only compatible with Harley Davidson 1999 to 2006 models
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Why We Pick This Product

This S&S Gear Drive 475G almost for the same reason as the 550G. Except, if you wanted to check what differences it offers as it is more expensive. And this camshaft just as good as the other one. So the price did not really make much difference.

3. Comp Mega 8 246/252 Hydraulic Roller Camshaft

The Comp Mega 8 246/252 Hydraulic Roller Camshaft is the best cam for M8 114 if you are looking for something that offers exceptional features. Besides, unlike the previous cam kits I reviewed, this one is a cam-only package. So if you don’t need other accessories, you can get this one for less expense.

Features and Benefits:

  • Aggressive Profile: This versatile camshaft is built to work in various ranges of vehicles, including the M8 114. So it is no wonder that it has an aggressive profile to gain better horsepower and, of course, a higher RPM range.
  • Better Performance: Its aggressive profile is what makes the camshaft perform very well even if you are a speedy rider. The cam can take a better load because of its excellent torque range without causing many tears and wear.
  • Hydraulic Roller Design: Did you notice that the cam has a hydraulic roller design? The perk of having such camshafts is that they offered my bike better airflow by holding the valve open for longer. This also works as an advantage when it comes to having improved exhaust scavenging as such design is better than flat-tappet cam designs.
  • Cost-Saving: If you are worried that camshaft kits are too expensive, you should know that you might need the entire kit set all the time. I got this cam-only pack because I already had other accessories and only needed the shaft to replace. So it was a very cost-saving choice, to be honest.
  • Installation: Installing the cam won’t be a challenging task if you know bits and pieces regarding the installation process. But if you don’t have much idea, I would suggest letting someone professional install the cam on your bike.
  • The hydraulic design offers better airflow
  • Performs better than flat-tapped designed cams
  • Durable and powerful
  • The cam-only package is cost-saving
  • Versatile and suitable for various vehicles
  • Not suitable for beginner riders
  • Can be too aggressive for some engines
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Why We Pick This Product

The reason I preferred this camshaft is because if you needed something that won’t cost you a lot of money. Its versatile design worked very well for Harley Davidson and it is definitely better than the flat-tappet cam. So it was worth the money!

4. Comp Mega 8 Hi-Lift 248/254 Hydraulic Roller Camshaft

I honestly thought this Comp Mega 8 248/254 High-Lift is just the same as the Comp Mega 8 246/252. But no. It offers more lift and a longer cam duration along with some other things. But I must tell you that this one can be slightly more expensive.

Features and Benefits:

  • Material: I try not to invest in a cam that is not made of high-grade and durable material. So when I noticed this high-lift 248/254 cam is made with steel, it was a nod for me. I have been using it for months now and I still haven’t noticed any issues.
  • Hydraulic Roller Design: Just like the previous model, this cam also has a hydraulic roller design. And as I said before, cams with such a design offer several advantages regarding airflow and exhaust intake. And this cam certainly offered me a bit more of everything than the other Comp Mega 8 248/254.
  • Better Performance: This Comp Mega 8 High-Lift 248/254 has 0.522 IN intake and exhaust valve lift, whereas the other model had 0.472 IN. And after comparing these both I noticed that this model has better exhaust duration. However, the difference isn’t that noticeable as you ride the bike.
  • Lightweight: I must mention one more reason why you should consider getting this Comp Mega camshaft. This one is very lightweight, compared to the previous model. And it is good for the bike and its performance as it does not weigh down the bike.
  • Cost: Since this camshaft has better power and features, it naturally costs a bit more. But to me, it seemed almost fair. I said “almost”, because the differences are not that far apart from each other but they are there.
  • Performs better than the Comp Mega 8 248/254
  • Durable material
  • Hydraulic roller design ensures better protection against fast wear and tear
  • Cost-friendly if don’t want to spend a lot on a kit set
  • Offers better airflow and duration
  • Slightly more expensive than the Comp Mega 8 248/254.
  • Might not be ideal for beginner-riders
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Why We Pick This Product

you did not mind spending some extra bucks on this one as it is lightweight and good for anyone looking for a smoother ride. Besides, it struck you as a good deal with the better performance it offers. But I must add that the Comp Mega 8 High-Lift 248/254 requires valve springs, which is something you don’t need with the Comp Mega 8 248/254 models.

S&S 550G VS Andrews M460 Cam: Which One Is Better?

User’s asked sometime if they should buy the Andrews M460 cam kits instead of S&S 550G. So I realized it’s best to discuss it here and show you a comparison table so that you can easily understand the difference between S&S vs Andrews Cam.

FeaturesS&S 550GAndrews M460
Design:Hydraulic Roller DesignHydraulic Roller Design
Compatibility:M8 114 and various other vehiclesM8 114 and various other vehicles
Riding Style:StreetStreet
Horsepower and Torque:Very highMid to high
Riding Style:StreetStreet
Installation:Requires professional installationRequires professional installation
Cost:More expensive than Andrews M460Less expensive than S&S 550G

As you can see now, despite being compatible with M8 114, both S&S 550G and Andrews M460 have some differences. Many user’s used them both for street riding and I can tell you that you will feel the differences as you ride your bike with these cams.

I found the S&S 500G more reliable than the Andrews M460. It offers better horsepower, torque, and lift. On top of that, with a longer valve and exhaust duration, the camshaft from S&S Cycle ensures better airflow despite having a longer cam duration.

So when riding Harley Davidson M8 114, User’s experienced a smoother ride. Besides, it’s been over a year and Many user’s still haven’t noticed any wear or tear.

The Andrews M460 is still a better and more affordable option, and it ensures a powerful performance. However, after experiencing the S&S 500G’s performance, Some user’s did not exactly get their expected lift and performance from this cam from Andrews. However, for the price, it is worth purchasing.

But which one among them is better?

Well, as for me, I would pick the S&S 500G because it offers a bit more of everything. Besides, it has a better reputation. But I will leave it up to you to decide which one is best for your M8 114.

How We Pick the Best Cam For M8 114

Best Cams For M8 114
Testing Camshaft by Joshua Marks

Finding the top-rated Cam can be challenging if you don’t know what to look for. Though the 4 cams I reviewed above are good enough to give you incredible performance for longer, it is okay if you want to ensure they are what you need.

So here are some things you should consider when choosing the right cam upgrade for M8 114.

Riding Style

What kind of rider are you? If you are a casual rider or do not do heavy and speed riding, you can get away with a mid-level cam.

If you buy a high-performing cam for your casual vehicles, it may fail to compete with the power. On the other hand, if you are a heavy rider or do racing, you will need high-performing cams.

Consider The Mods

The second most important and yet the trickiest thing to consider is your bike’s mod: which one you have or plan to have. You can easily get yourself the most aggressive mod and be done with it. But will it give you the most satisfying performance?

Well, that depends. If your bike has high-flow heads and exhaust, you will need high-lift aggressive cams. On the contrary, if you don’t have mods, you can just use the regular bolt-in cams.

Performance Preference

Next, consider your preference regarding the cam. What kind of performance do you expect from it?

You can choose to install an instant-powered cam for cruising or you can choose a very high-powered cam. If not, you can choose something in-between. And you can choose only one of the three types. As for me, I always prefer something in-between.


The main purpose of using a camshaft is to lift the valve. So the lifting capacity of the cam is very important. And this capacity is measured by a fraction of an inch.

If the cam has a higher valve lift, it has more power. However, too much power can result in faster wear and tear, which is something Many user’s learned from their previous mistake in choosing the right cam. So make sure to consider what you expect from the cam’s lifting capacity.

Cam Duration

The amount of time the valve opens during each engine cycle is called camshaft duration. An increased amount of cam duration means the valve will remain open for longer and it also means more power.  But you should also know that a longer cam duration also means low-end HP.

Valve Timing

The valve timing is the valve’s opening and closing duration based on the piston position. To ensure the engine operates efficiently, it is necessary to ensure the valve timing is proper and accurate. Usually, the valve timing is set when the engine is assembled. So make sure you follow the user’s manual to find the manufacturer’s specifications to determine the valve timing.

Brand Reputation

To make sure you have the best cam for your M8 114, it is always best to consider getting them from a reputed brand. However, a reputed brand does not always mean the best and most reliable performance. So I would say it is also important to look into the cam’s specifications and quality before buying it.

Cost And Durability

Cams are not exactly cheap, no matter which one you get and from which brand. But sometimes it is worth spending some more if it offers the best performance with longer durability. But you should consider the cost and look for more affordable options if you do not want to spend a bigger amount on a cam.

Where To Buy?

There are several ways to purchase these camshafts and camshaft kits. You will get from Amazon. But you can choose to get them from the S&S Cycle website and COMP Cam website based on your vehicle model.

And if you would rather check the cams before purchasing, it is best to buy directly from dealers. You can find purchasing from S&S Cycle dealers easier as their website allows you to find the closest dealers in your state and city. All you have to do is insert your location and distance limit and it will show you the dealer locations on the map.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a cam last?

Honestly, a wood-quality and well-maintained cam can last as long as your vehicle. But several other factors affect the cam’s longevity such as the cam quality, how it was installed, your vehicle’s engine condition, etc. Nevertheless, a camshaft should last around 80,000 to 100,000 miles without any major issues.

Can I install the cam myself?

You should know that installing the camshaft is a pretty complex task and very challenging if you are not used to handling it. So if you are a beginner or don’t have much idea, I believe it is best to avoid doing it yourself. You can rely on a professional to handle the task with ease and ensure safe installation.

What is the difference between the twin cam and M8?

The basic difference between the twin cam and M8 is that the M8 is larger and its performance is quieter compared to the twin cam. Besides, the M8 accelerates quicker than the twin cam.


So, which one do you think is the best cam for M8 114?

As you have noticed, I picked two different models from each brand to find their performance differences. While both cams from S&S Cycle come as a kit set, the ones from Comp Cam are just single camshafts. So it is easy for you to pick based on whether you need just a cam or an entire kit set as they come with accessories.

As for performance, all cams perform differently, which is why I reviewed cams with various capacities. But ultimately, it is up to the user to decide and choose which one is the right cam for their M8 114.


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